Mar 06, 2025  
2024-2025 Catalog 
2024-2025 Catalog

Grading System

The following is the grading system used at Wayne County Community College District. All courses in which the student enrolls and earns grades are recorded on the official transcript. Grade points are used to measure a student’s academic achievement for the total number of credit hours attempted. Final course grades are accessible 48 hours after classes end.

Grade Points Description
A 4.0 Excellent
B 3.0 Above Average
C 2.0 Average
D 1.0 Below Average
E 0.0 Failure to complete course requirements satisfactorily
Transcript Codes Description
CR Credit by Examination
CFE Credit for Experience
AP Advanced Placement (Articulation)
I* Incomplete: The awarding of an incomplete grade is at the discretion of the instructor provided the student has been attending the class, is passing and has an unforeseen emergency, which occurs after the last day to drop classes.
NG No grade issued by instructor.
V Audit: Students visiting or auditing a course must declare this option when registering. Veteran and financial aid students are not eligible to audit.
W** Withdrawal: Withdrawal by the student during the first half of the semester.
XW Walk-away status: Attended at least 1 class during the first third of the semester and failed to withdraw during the remaining two-thirds of the semester.

Note *District policy requires all students who earn an incomplete “I” grade to complete that course by the end of two consecutive terms after the term in which the “I” grade was given. The student is charged with the responsibility of completing the course requirements through the instructor who issued the “I” grade. In the event the student is unable to contact the instructor, the student must immediately contact the appropriate Campus Academic Officer. Failure to complete the course requirements within the two-consecutive-term time limit shall result in a grade of “E” replacing the “I” grade. Students should not register a second time for a course in which they have an outstanding “I” grade. An “Incomplete” grade is given only when an unforeseen emergency prevents the student from completing the work in a course and is given at the discretion of the instructor.

Note **While NEITHER GRADES XW, W ARE CALCULATED AS PART OF THE OFFICIAL GRADE POINT AVERAGE, they are counted in determining satisfactory progress for students receiving financial aid and continuing eligibility.

Grade Point Average (GPA)

The grade point is calculated by multiplying the grade points by credit hours attempted. The cumulative grade point average is the total number of grade points earned divided by the total number of credit hours attempted. Attempted credit hours include “E” grades, even though grade points are not earned. THE HIGHEST GRADE IS USED TO CALCULATE GRADE POINTS FOR ANY REPEATED CLASS.


English          C = 2 x 3 credits = 6 grade points
Biology          B = 3 x 4 credits = 12 grade points
Psychology   E = 0 x 3 credits = 0 grade points
Science          A = 4 x 3 credits = 12 grade points

13 credits (divided into)

Equation = (total number of grade points earned) divided by (total number of credit hours attempted).

30 grade points/13 credit hours attempted Equals 2.31 GPA

Standards of Academic Progress

The Board of Trustees of Wayne County Community College District hereby authorizes the Chancellor to develop and promulgate standards for admission to and satisfactory progress in academic programs which vary from the general admissions and progress standards now in force. The Chancellor shall ensure that any such standards are appropriately published and communicated to students affected. In addition, the administration shall clarify to students that the General Standards for Admission and Satisfactory Progress already in force shall be applicable to all students unless separate standards have been promulgated for specific academic programs.

It is hereby policy that requirements for graduation include a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher. No degree will be granted to any student who has less than a 2.0 cumulative GPA.

The District maintains that all students should make continued progress toward an educational goal. In an effort to assist students, the following standards of academic progress have been established:

  • Good Standing: A student maintaining a 2.0 or above cumulative GPA
  • Total credits utilized in computing the cumulative GPA will not include:
    • Credit for classes which have been repeated. The lower grade will not be used in determining the GPA
    • Classes with a grade of CR, CRE, V and withdrawals (W, XW)
  • Probationary Status: A student who has a cumulative GPA below 2.0 is placed on probationary status. A student is notified of probationary status on the semester grade report. When a student is placed on probation, the following steps must be followed:
    • The student will be assigned an academic advisor for prescriptive assessments and the determination of the appropriate courses to pursue in the future. Note: It will be the student’s responsibility to contact the advisor to schedule an appointment
    • A probationary student may not elect more than nine (9) credit hours for the fall/spring semesters; six (6) credit hours in the summer unless that student has the written authorization of the advisor.
    • The student must schedule regular meetings with an academic advisor during the academic probationary period.
  • Continued Probationary Status: A student is placed on continued probationary status when the student’s GPA for a semester is 2.0 but the cumulative GPA remains below 2.0.
  • Exclusion: If a student maintains a cumulative GPA of less than 2.0 for three consecutive semesters, the student may be excluded from future enrollment at the District for one semester. Re-entry is not automatic. A student may apply for re-entry through a campus Office of Admissions.

Appeal of Grades

A student who believes that a grade has been awarded unfairly or incorrectly should first contact the instructor who awarded the grade to discuss the issue and attempt to resolve the dispute. If the matter is not resolved to the student’s satisfaction, the student may submit a grade appeal request form to the campus Chief Academic Officer at the location where the course was taken. Please refer to the Student Handbook for additional information regarding the process and how to request for grade appeal.

The student will be advised of the appeal process, which includes a written statement from the student and the instructor’s written response. Grade appeals must be filed within 90 days of the conclusion of the semester or session during which the student was enrolled in the course where the challenged practice occurred.

Credit for Pre-College Learning

Wayne County Community College District recognizes that many of our students come to us with a wealth of learning which was achieved through experiences outside a college classroom. The District sponsors several programs which are directed toward helping students convert those learning experiences into college credit that may be applied toward a certificate or degree. These include the Articulation Program, Credit by Examination, the College Level Examination Program (CLEP), Credit for Experiential Learning and Credit for Specialized Experience. Contact the Campus Admissions Office.