The District’s distance learning offerings are designed to provide students with greater access to the District’s programs and are available to all students. Distance learning opportunities are available through online, hybrid, and Virtual Classroom (also known as Live-Interactive Online (LIO) courses.
Wayne County Community College District’s online degree programs provide a convenient, affordable, and flexible way to reach your academic and career goals. Whether it’s one class or a degree program, online courses allow you to choose when, where and how you receive your education.
WCCCD offers degree and certificates programs allowing you to conveniently explore your academic interests and discover a fulfilling career path. All of WCCCD’s online learning opportunities are fully accredited and offer an engaging educational experience that will help you obtain the knowledge and skills you need to achieve your goals. Currently, students can take a fully online Associate of Arts degree or Accounting Certificate. Talk with your academic advisor for details.
Online Courses: These courses enable students to earn course credit through Internet connections. Students must have access to a computer with an Internet connection and relevant computer peripherals. A majority of online course work occurs in a virtual environment that is accessible 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Most online courses are 100% online. However, some courses require periodic face-to-face sessions.
Hybrid: These courses combine in-person and online delivery. Hybrid courses (also known as blended courses) replace a portion of traditional face-to-face instruction with web-based online learning (e.g., video lectures, online discussions, or activities). The purpose of a hybrid course is to take advantage of the best features of both face-to-face and online learning. Student participation in all modalities of instruction contact is required.
Virtual Classroom: Virtual Classroom (VC) courses, also known as Live-Online courses, meet online at scheduled times. Virtual Classroom courses are for students who prefer to interact with faculty and other students, offering set class time and structure, without the need to come to campus.
For more information concerning any of the District’s distance learning opportunities, please contact